Sunday, January 2, 2011

Post-Christmas Madness!

Domestic goddess with her new pots and pans.

Loudest singing tool set in existence.

He's all too aware of how cute he really is.


Battling for prime position.

Cruising in the shirt Aunt Shan appliqued!

Thanks Aunt Shannon!


Best aunt/nephew combo ever!

Rejoicing in Christmas spoils.

Sassy. Adorable but sassy.

Emma can now scale doors and walls.

Standing up all by herself!


You don't mind a little drool in your dinner, do you?

A-tisket, a-tasket!

Doll hands make a delicious addition to any day.

Group kiss!

Tickle toes.

Big man in big chair.

Too cool for school.

There was a 9 out of 10 chance this was happening at any given moment.

Learning that rugs can be picked up, moved, and (most importantly) eaten.

Coordinating jammies.

Getting 2 babies to look at the same camera is nearly impossible.

Best picture ever.

"Cooperative" play.

Matchy matchy, and quite pleased about it.

Lounge lizard.

A better welcoming committee never existed :)

Upside down and covered in food stains. Sounds about right.

Big cheesing!

Pete made tiramisu!

The final product.

Rejoicing as a coffee and liquor lover ;)

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